KOWAMAS e-Wawasan Personal Financing

Exclusively for government employees, this unsecured personal financing product offers high financing limit with flexible repayment tenures between 2 and 10 years.

KOWAMAS e-Wawasan Personal FinancingGovernment Employees
Profit Rate
From 3.99% p.a.
up to RM200k
up to 10 years
Loan Type
Unsecured Islamic Financing
Min. Income

Loan calculator

For illustration purposes only. The final loan amount, monthly repayment, plus the interest rates are subject to the bank's assessment and approval.

Profit rates

Based on your loan amount & loan period, the profit rates are as low as the following

Financing ValueFinancing periodYour IncomeProfit Rate
RM3,000 - RM200,00024 to 120 monthsmin. RM18,0003.99% p.a.

Fees & Charges

Profit Rate / APR
As low as 3.99% p.a.,depending on financing amount and period
Processing Fee
Stamp Duty
 0.5%  of the whole amount
Early Termination Fee
Late Penalty Fee
Mode of Payment
You must pay your financing installment by salary deduction


Minimum Annual Income
Minimum Age
  • 18 to 59 years old
Who can apply
  • Malaysians
  • Government employee
  • Government-Linked Company employee
  • Statutory Body employee
  • City/State Council employee (Majlis)

More Information

Tell me about KOWAMAS e-Wawasan Personal Financing.

KOWAMAS, also known as Koperasi Wawasan Malaysia Berhad is a licensed cooperative registered under Malaysia Act 502 (Akta Koperasi 1993) with more than 38,000 members. 

KOWAMAS provides a range of products and services such as Islamic mortgage tax services, personal loans, home loans and even online will-writing services.

One of its financial product, KOWAMAS e-Wawasan is a shariah-compliant personal financing which is exclusively designed for permanent Government servants in Malaysia.

How much can I borrow from KOWAMAS personal loan?

You can borrow any amount between RM3,000 to RM200,000 from KOWAMAS e-Wawasan personal loan with flexible repayment tenures of 2 to 10 years. 

The chargeable profit rate is a flat rate of 3.99% throughout the total financing tenure, avoiding the risk of any base-rate revisions.

How do I make monthly instalment repayment?

KOWAMAS e-Wawasan Personal Financing's monthly instalments can be made via Biro Perkhidmatan Angkasa (BPA), in which repayment is deducted from your salary slip. 

The total deduction must not exceed 60% of your total gross salary.

If you're an employee working for Government-Linked Companies (GLC), the maximum deduction allowed is up to 50% of your total gross salary. 

To qualify for 60% deduction, an endorsement letter by your employer is required.

What other benefits can I get from this Islamic personal loan?

This is an unsecured personal financing product whereby a guarantor is not needed. 

To put this into perspective, this is a personal financing product that charges not only low but also at a flat profit rate with no guarantor required.

What's better, KOWAMAS Islamic personal loan offers debt consolidation service with no processing, consulting and advisory fees. 

There is also refundable insurance coverage to financially protect you from natural disaster, critical illnesses and unforeseen death.

You will also be part of the KOWAMAS community and enjoy its benefits such as hospitality services, financial assistance, takaful products, will-writing and investment services at a minimal fee.

Great! Is this KOWAMAS personal loan only offered to Government servants?

Yes, KOWAMAS e-Wawasan Personal Financing is open to all government, government-linked companies (GLC), statutory bodies and city/state council (Majlis) employees.

The Islamic personal loan offers similar benefits to other personal loans but with a more lenient assessment albeit still meeting the minimum requirement in terms of eligibility.

To check if you're eligible to apply, here is the checklist:

  1. Malaysian or Permanent Resident
  2. Must be aged between 18 to 59 years old.
  3. Minimum monthly income of RM1,500 
  4. Must be employed in the civil sector for a minimum of 1 year

Am I qualified to apply if I have a poor CTOS / CCRIS report?

In certain circumstances, KOWAMAS may consider qualified applicants with a small hiccup in their lending profiles or circumstances. 

However, approval is subject to full consideration of KOWAMAS and with terms and conditions applied.

Having said that, do proceed in application as long as you meet the minimum requirements and conditions as set out by KOWAMAS. 

Most importantly, you should always assess your capability to borrow and repay the facility before applying.

How to apply for KOWAMAS e-Wawasan Personal Financing?

You can apply for KOWAMAS e-Wawasan personal financing here at RinggitPlus by clicking the APPLY NOW button and expect a call from KOWAMAS within 5 working days to complete your application. 

In the meantime, you can prepare the following supporting documents:

  • 3 copies of MyKad (front and back);
  • Letter of Employment;
  • Latest 3-months validated salary slips;
  • 1 copy of any bank's passbook / confirmation of account;
  • Statement of Outstanding Completion (if any)


  1. 5 copies of Allotment Form for applicants from Sabah and Sarawak
  2. DBKL employee must obtain Emolument Form from Salary Department
  3. Retiree Form (Surat Opsyen Bersara) for applicants 50 years and above
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