BSN GIRO-i Savings Account-i (Adult)

An Islamic savings account that is based on the Tawarruq principle. Enjoy cash withdrawal and payment convenience with a Visa Debit Card.

BSN GIRO-i Savings Account-i (Adult)
Profit Rate
0.25% p.a.
Account Type
Min. Deposit
Account Statement

Profit Rate

What you earn based on the amount that you have in your account

Min. AmountMax. AmountProfit Rate
RM10No maximum0.25% p.a.


What would make it different?

Online Banking
ATM Card

Fees & Charges

MEPS Withdrawal Fee
Inactive Account Fee


Minimum Age
  • 18 years old
Minimum Initial Deposit
Minimum Balance
Who can apply
  • Malaysians
  • Foreigners

More Information

What is the BSN GIRO-i Savings Account-i (Adult)?

This GIRO Islamic account is made for individuals 18 years old and above!

You have the option to open a personal account, trust account or joint account with up to 2 account holders. Upon account opening, you will be issued a BSN Visa Debit Card, which can only be used extensively for cash withdrawals and transactions, and a passbook.

That's not all, your savings money will earn a flat interest rate of 0.25%, which will be calculated based on the monthly minimum balance and credited every year.

What are the benefits of having this savings account?

First off, you have access to banking facilities provided by BSN such as:

  • Any deposits, withdrawals and transactions can be made at any BSN counter or ATM
  • Interbank GIRO ( IBG) services, SMS banking, along with convenient bill payments via Standing Instruction
  • Live debt-free with the BSN Visa payWave Debit Card - have all the benefits of a credit card without piling on the debt

How to apply for BSN GIRO-i Savings Account-i (Adult)?

Before making your way to the nearest BSN branches, you will need to prepare the following items:

  • Identity Card
  • BSN GIRO Account Application Form duly completed
  • An initial deposit of RM50
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